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Market Research
The Service We Provide

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Experience: The marketing research process is much easier when you're working with someone who speaks the language of your category and doesn't require an education on the dynamics of your industry.

That's why EXPORTS ART INC. has built a wealth of knowledge and expertise in served industries including consumer products, financial services, healthcare, insurance, pharmaceutical, restaurant, and retail.

Solutions: As you face shrinking budgets, fierce competition and intense pressure to deliver results, EXPORTS ART INC. is committed to providing marketing research solutions to help you grow your business and maximize customer retention.

Whether you need product development, better customer understanding or to reach a new market segment, EXPORTS ART INC. can provide the insight necessary to help you succeed.

We Deliver: Looking for a rapid, cost-effective way to answer critical business questions? EXPORTS ART INC., can provide research results in as little as 48 hours at a fraction of the cost of traditional custom marketing research, without sacrificing research quality.

Our service also includes:

  • Gathering, recording and analyzing markets-specific economic sectors.
  • Targeted market information and analysis, customized for the client, with a product / sector focus and having recourse to direct sources.
  • Information and analysis of Canada, South America and the Arab Gulf Countries target markets.
  • Development and implementation of export strategies.